SGRR University, College of Nursing, has organised a grand Farewell Party under the guidance of Principal Prof. (Dr) G. Ramalakshmi, SNA Advisor Mrs. Julia Massey. The program was organised mainly for all outgoing batches of M.Sc, B.Sc, Post Basic B.Sc, GNM and ANM final year Nursing students on 28th August 2023 in Medical Auditorium. The department is indebted to all the dignitaries starting from Prof. (Dr.) G. Ramalakshmi, College of Nursing for their continuous support and guidance to organise the farewell party successfully. The students enthusiastically participated in various cultural activities, fashion shows, games, gift exchanges etc. wherein MSc. final year selected as Mr.& Ms. Farewell were Manjul and Ms.Sonali, for B.Sc final year Mr. Subham & Ms. Shalini Gaur ,in GNM Mr.Mukul & Ms. Pranjali and in ANM Ms.Shoba .The farewell party successfully concluded with the vote of thanks by B.Sc nursing student Shivani Dhami who thanked all on behalf of the college to thank respective heads, IT Dept. for technical support, and all the faculties and staffs for their continuous cooperation and support and not forgetting the students’who volunteered the event.