FACULTY - Paramedical Sciences

Dr. Shama Praveen

Area of Interest Neurology physio Rehabilitation

Brief profile and Achievements:

Dr.Shama Praveen is a consultant physiotherapist and assistant professor at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital.She devoted her practice to rehabilitate the patients . 

She started her carreer as an intern /trainee in therapy in 2012 where she started to teach and train the patients who were struggling with pain and issues with their strenghths. This passion led her to study more in this field and she post graduated in the specialized field neurology and neurosurgical rehabilitation from Shri mahant indiresh Hospital in 2016 .Since 2016  she is working  at the position of consultant physiotherapist and assistant professor  where she teach and train the students in their projects and research works in the same institution.In the year 2022 she did Masters in yogic science from Shri Guru ram Rai University.As a practising therapist ,she helps to identify and treat deformities in the patients as well as helping them through difficult times.

Dr.Shama(P.T)now teach and train many undergraduate and post graduate students in neurological rehabilitation and helping patients recover from paralysis and neurological impairements with the goal of helping them to relax and distress from the demands of their lives. Afterwards she helps them to design a plan to face the challenges ahead. She also published many national and international research papers and also is an author of the book Diet and nutrition in yoga. Apart from this  she has also be apart of many workshops ,seminars and conferences. She is currently working on expanding her services allowing her patients to contact them regardless of where they are located.


Designation : Consultant Physiotherapist and Assistant Professor Paramedical Sciences Shamapraveen2901@gmail.com
  • Area of Specialization:


Area of Interest:

Area of Interest Neurology physio Rehabilitation

Brief profile and Achievements:

Dr.Shama Praveen is a consultant physiotherapist and assistant professor at Shri Mahant Indiresh Hospital.She devoted her practice to rehabilitate the patients . 

She started her carreer as an intern /trainee in therapy in 2012 where she started to teach and train the patients who were struggling with pain and issues with their strenghths. This passion led her to study more in this field and she post graduated in the specialized field neurology and neurosurgical rehabilitation from Shri mahant indiresh Hospital in 2016 .Since 2016  she is working  at the position of consultant physiotherapist and assistant professor  where she teach and train the students in their projects and research works in the same institution.In the year 2022 she did Masters in yogic science from Shri Guru ram Rai University.As a practising therapist ,she helps to identify and treat deformities in the patients as well as helping them through difficult times.

Dr.Shama(P.T)now teach and train many undergraduate and post graduate students in neurological rehabilitation and helping patients recover from paralysis and neurological impairements with the goal of helping them to relax and distress from the demands of their lives. Afterwards she helps them to design a plan to face the challenges ahead. She also published many national and international research papers and also is an author of the book Diet and nutrition in yoga. Apart from this  she has also be apart of many workshops ,seminars and conferences. She is currently working on expanding her services allowing her patients to contact them regardless of where they are located.

Research and Publications
S. No. Name of the Author Title of Paper/Book Published Name of the journal/Publication house Year of Publication Manuscript no./DOI
1 Dr. Shama Praveen Enhancing trunk control balance in children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy:comparative effectiveness of the vestibular stimulation technique and standard treatment The scientific temper 2022 https://doi.org/10.58414/scientific temper.13.2.2022.309-316
2 Dr. Shama Praveen Compare the effectiveness of mckenzie techniques and isometric strengthening exercise in patients with Cervical radiculopa Thy Europian journal of molecular and clinical medicine 2020 Https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348549575
3 Dr. Shama Praveen To compare the efficacy of pneumatic compression therapy,lymphatic drainage exercises and control group in patients with lymphodema International journal of surgery science 2020 Https://doi.org/10.33545/surgery.2019.v3.ile.45
4 Dr. Shama Praveen Comparision of effectiveness of myofascial release tech and stretching ex in plantarfascitis Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2019 Http//dx.doi.org/10.21088/potj.0974.5777.12219.4
5 Dr. Shama Praveen To compare the effectiveness of incentive spirometer and inspiratory muscle trainer in pts with copd Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2019 Http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/potj.0974.5777.12219.3
6 Dr. Shama Praveen Combined effect of mirror therapy and thermal stimulation on upper extrimity motor functions in post stroke hemiparetc subjects Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2019 http://dx.doi.org/10.21088 potj.0974.5777.11218.2
7 Dr. Shama Praveen The study to compare the effect of buteyko breathing tech and pursed lip brething in copd Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2019 Http//dx.doi.org/10.21088/potj.0974.5777.12219.5
8 Dr. Shama Praveen Effectiveness of multisensory stimulation programme with median nerve stimulation in post head injury subjects with decreased level of consciousness Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2019 Http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/potj.0974.5777.12119.6
9 Dr. Shama Praveen Effectiveness of kinesiotaping in improving the functional activity of upper limb in hemiplegics Physiotherapy and occupational therapy 2018 Http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/potj.0974.5777.11318.3