The aforementioned quote rightly says that art highlights our creative aspect and also expresses are inner feelings. It is also a way of discovering one’s passion. On 26th August, 2023 i.e. on the fourth Saturday of the month an Art and Creative activity was organised by the School of Education department SGRR University for B.Ed 1st Year students to provide them an opportunity to showcase their hidden talent.
The theme of the activity was Raksha-Bandhan. Raksha-Bandhan is a festival to celebrate the beautiful bond between brother and sister.
It was an activity cum competition. There were two categories in the competition- Greeting card and Rakhi making. The competition was on individual basis.
Objective of this activity cum competition was:
To develop the aesthetic sense of the students
To provide an opportunity to pursue the passion in art
To boost their competitive spirit, and
To bring out their creative side
The participants brought their own material for the activity. They whole heartedly participated in the competition. The students were given 2 hours (11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m) time to complete the activity.
36 students participated in the activity cum competition. All the participants performed magnificently in the two categories, i.e. Greeting card and Rakhi making. The competition was very exciting and the students gave their best. They went back in the memory lane and recall their school days while doing this activity. As Raksha Bandhan festival is approaching near students showed extra excitement for the activity. After the completion students even shared their personal experiences of the entire process. They also learnt time management and enjoyed every moment of this activity.
The judges for the competition were:
Prof. (Dr.) M.S.Kandpal ( Dean School of Education) and Dr. Anand Kumar (HOD/ M.Ed)
At last Dr. Balbir Kaur (HOD B.Ed) announces the results.
The students were judged on the basis of their creativity, messages and imagination. All the students performed well and were highly appreciated by the members of the jury. In recognition to the hard work put in by our students first three positions were given certificates. The entire faculty of School of Education was also present during the prize distribution.
The results of the competition are as follows:
Himani Joshi (First)
Aakanksha Dhoundiyal (Second)
Chetan (Third)