<h4> <em>Global standard infrastructure to combat each and every learning challenge</em></h4> <p> Shri Guru Ram Rai University aims to provide exceptional value to our diverse community of students by guiding them to achieve their career aspirations through personalized, well supported and industry relevant learning opportunities. The University envisages to advance the intellectual and social condition of the people of the Hill State of Uttarakhand and the nation through creation, translation and dissemination of knowledge with an emphasis on quality programmes in the areas of teaching, research and service.</p> <h4> <strong><em>High-Tech Green House</em></strong></h4> <p> The Department of Biotechnology has established PTC Lab &amp; High-Tech Green House facility jointly funded by SBD, Govt. Of Uttarakhand &amp; SGRREM. High-Tech Green House is a structure covered with a transparent or tans-lucid, in which environmental conditions can be modified or controled for the cultivation of plants.</p> <h4> <strong><em>Agriculture Farm</em></strong></h4> <p> Our college has more than 25 acres of agricultural farm situated in campus premises. It has very diversified outlook having different field labs, Polyhouse, Nursery, Mushroom unit, field crop production block, vegetable production block, Ornamental block and a front area having so many species of ornamentals. This farm is managed by agriculture students during their course work under the supervision of faculty members.</p> <h4> <strong><em>Hostel&nbsp;</em></strong></h4> <p> We have separate hostel facility for Boys and Girls .Girls hostel is situated within the college campus, while boys hostel is on walking distance (200 m away) from college campus.Hostel provides both fooding and lodging at an affordable fee.</p> <h4> <strong><em>High Tech Poly House</em></strong></h4> <p> Our college has a big high tech Poly House covering an area of 1700 m2 at college agriculture farm under department of Agriculture. Poly houses is basically naturally ventilated climate controlled especially used for training agriculture and horticulture students in the following areas:</p> <p> Production of vegetable crops.Production of flowers.Production of Herbs.Nursery.Secondary hardening nursery of Tissue cultured plant.</p> <h4> <strong><em>Orchards</em></strong></h4> <p> We have a well established orchard of mango, litchi, guava, citrus, pomegranate, pear, peach ,apple with in campus premises. These orchards are managed by students and staff of agriculture department for effective learning in the field of fruit production or Pomology.</p> <h4> <strong><em>High Tech Nursery</em></strong></h4> <p> In conventional Agricultural practices, the crops are being cultivated in the open field under natural conditions where these are more susceptible to sudden changes in climate i.e. temperature, humidity, light intensity, photo period and other conditions due to which the quality, yield of a particular crop can get affected and may be decreased. Keeping this in view and to train our Agriculture students we have established a High tech nursery at college Agriculture farm within the campus with following objectives:</p> <ul> <li> Production of vegetable crops.</li> <li> Production of flowers.</li> <li> Production of Herbs.</li> <li> Secondary hardening nursery of Tissue cultured plant.</li> </ul> <h4> <strong><em>Vermicompost Unit</em></strong></h4> <ul> <li> Department of Agriculture of this college has well established vermicompost unit with following objectives :</li> <li> To provide vermi compost and cultural material of the desired species of earth worms to farmers and entrepreneurs.</li> <li> To demonstrate practically the production methodology on the unit to agriculture students.</li> </ul> <h4> <strong><em>Plant Tissue Culture Lab</em></strong></h4> <p> The Department of Biotechnology has established Plant Tissue Culture laboratory and High-Tech green house facility jointly funded by State Biotechnology Department, Govt. of Uttarakhand and Shri Guru Ram Rai Education Mission (SGRREM). Propagation by tissue culture offers good commercial prospects in ornamental plants, vegetables and also fruit plants, where value of the products is high. As a result, there is a great demand for micropropagated superior quality plants in ornamental, horticultural, floricultural sectors of agriculture in India.</p> <p> All the students of B.Sc. Biotechnology and M.Sc. Biotechnology are given training on Basic techniques in plant tissue culture. The students from other fields like Agriculture, Botany, Microbiology and Pharmacology etc. are also encouraged to pay a visit to the lab and understand the basics of plant tissue culture. The students pursuing under graduate (UG) and post graduate (PG) courses at various institutions and universities within the state have also undergone hands on training programme and projects/dissertations in the respective area under experienced faculties. Individual Certificates are issued by the Department to all the students who participate in the hands-on training programme.</p>
